
Learn more about this feature packed App

Available for iOS and Android

Register your beers

Register and manage the beers you have stored in you fridge or in your cellar to get complete control and overview

Connected with Untappd

The app is connected with Untappd to enable search for beers and automatic syncing

Keep your cellar updated

When the app discovers new checkins at Untappd, it asks for your permission to sync.

Beer storage and aging

Get full control of how long all your beers has been in your beer cellar.

Choosing beers to drink.

Let the app select beers for you to taste. Also, check your consumption frequenzy.

Register various details of you beers

Register volume, type of container, batch, btl date, price, quantity, etc.

Statistics and overviews

You may view many different statistics of both beers in your storage and beers you have checked in at Untappd.

Charts and lists

Check for example which breweries or countries you like the most, or the distribution of volumes.

More to come...

Lots of new functionality will be added to the app continouosly.

And then some!

Download the App and try it out!


See what’s included in the App

Main menu

Register beers menu

Search Untappd

Import from wishlist

Register beer

Register beer

Beers out menu

Beer selector

Beer selector


Sync with Untappd


My beers


All beers search

All beers search

All breweries

Selected brewery

All countries

Selected country


Volumes pie chart

Volumes per bottle

Volumes bottles pie chart

Volumes per can

Volumes cans pie chart






Untappd stats

Untappd ratings

Untappd ratings

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